whEn I thInk AbOUt lOvE (i thInk AbOUt yOU)
thE pOwEr
shAkEy grOUnd
trUE lOve
If yOU wErE mE
A wOmAn's nEEds
Old frIEnd
gO On And On
dOn't gO brEAkIng my hEArt
aIN't nOthIng lIkE thE rEAl thIng
I'm yOUr pUppEt
lOvE lEttErs
bOrn tO lOsE
dOn't lEt thE sUn gO dOwn On mE
DueTs For oNe
i remember writing Princeton University J.P. when one night
i went to the university store to buy this classic duets cd...
wasn't sure that i had the money to spend that night
but it turns out that it was well worth it...